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2024 June | Paris, FRANCE

Acrobatic Designer "IT'S ALL UP IN THE AIR", Paris Fashion Week SS25, Cirque du Soleil & KidSuper

2024 January - April | Bangkok, THAILAND

Creator and Director "ABOUT US AND TIME".

2023 November-Décember | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

Acrobatic Designer R.I.E., Cirk La Putyka

2023 August | Seoul, Korea

Workshop of act and show creation, for the Seoul Fondation for Arts and Culture

2023 June-July | Montreal, CANADA

Acrobatic designer and choreographer, flying pole, for "ECHO" Cirque du Soleil

2023 May | Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

Workshop of act creation, for Cirk La Putyka

2023 March | Bremen, GERMANY

Acrobatic choreographer for Cirque du Soleil, Helene Fisher Live Tour 2023


2023 January | Paris, FRANCE

Acrobatic designer and choreographer| Duo 121

Winner of the Special JURY Award -  42th Festival du Cirque de Demain.

2022 September | Legnago, ITALIA

Acrobatic designer | Duo-Trapeze EMYO

Winner of the Gold medal - International Salieri Circus Award

2022 July | San-Francisco, CA, USA

Director "The rainbow is enough" - Veronica Blair

2019 August - 2020 March | Orlando, FL, USA

Aerial Coach "Drawn to Life" : Cirque du Soleil & Walt Disney

World premiere : 18th of November 2021

2019 December | Paris, FRANCE

Advisor choreographer | "The Lion King" - Disneyland Paris

2019 February | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Coach & Choreographer | Aerial rope- Ellie Rossi 

Winner of the Jury Award - 40th Festival du Cirque de Demain.

2018 February | London, UK

Workshop Master Clinician for "OVO" by Cirque du Soleil.

Aerial straps, aerial hoop, aerial fabric

2018 February | Las-Vegas & San Francisco, USA

Coach & Choreographer | Aerial straps "The Silhouette" - Sasha Harrington & Andrew Adam

Winner of the ARTE award - 39th Festival du Cirque de Demain.

2017 March | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Advisor for "Kyma"|film by Philippe Baylaucq

ONF - Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan

2016 November | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Creation of the Circus show | Master of Buisness Administration (MBA) Gala

2016 January | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Acrobatic coach | International Head Quarter - Cirque du Soleil

2015 November | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Workshop Master Clinician for artists | "Kurios" International Head Quarter - Cirque du Soleil

2015 January | Paris, France

Coach  | Straps & Roue Cyr - Matthew Richardson

Winner of the Circus Phenix Award at 36e Festival du Cirque de Demain. 

2014 July | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Workshop Master Clinician for artists | "Kurios" International Head Quarter - Cirque du Soleil

2013 January | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Coach & Choreographer | Duo XY 

Winner of the Bronze medal at 34e Festival du Cirque de Demain. 

2012-2013| Montréal, QC, CANADA

Aerial Technical Coach & Workshop Master Clinician for artists | "Saltimbanco" International Head Quarter - Cirque du Soleil

2006-2012 | Montréal, QC, CANADA

Coach (flexibility |Aerial acrobatics |Physical preparation | Movement patterning) | National Circus School of Montréal 

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